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Metrics Level deviations – naac
1.2.1 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI

1)      Provide the course completion certificates of 10 students following courses:

1.Add on Course on Apple IOS

Developer Programme

2.Add on Course on Mock

Sessions for Final Placements

3.Add on course on Trade Trainings

4.Cerificate course on Mechanic

 Certificates of Apple IOS Developer Programmelink to relevant document
Certificates of Add on Course on Mock Sessionslink to relevant document
Certificates of Trade Trainingslink to relevant document
Certificates of Mechaniclink to relevant document
1.2.2 Findings of DVV Response of HEI
1)      Provide the authenticated list of enrolled students under each course of last 5 years duly signed by principal.
 AY 2023-24 link to relevant document
AY 2022-23 link to relevant document
AY 2021-22 link to relevant document
AY 2020-21 link to relevant document
AY 2019-20 link to relevant document
1.3.2 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI
1)      Provide the separate list of students for project work, field work and internship.
Project Worklink to relevant document
Field Worklink to relevant document
Internshiplink to relevant document
2)      Provide the certificates of project work and internship. Data for latest year only will be considered.Project Worklink to relevant document
Internshiplink to relevant document

1.4.1 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the document showing the communication with the affiliating University for the Feedback provided.

Feedback System

Link to relevant document

2.1.1 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI
1)      Provide the authenticated list of Number of seats filled year wise during last five years duly signed by Principal.Consolidated ListLink to relevant document
2)      Provide the approved admission list year-wise (first year admission) Program wise from the Affiliating university Data should be year wise.
AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document

2.1.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the authenticated list of Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year wise during last five years duly signed by Principal.

Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

2.2.1 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the authenticated list of students and full time teacher duly signed by Principal.

Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

2.4.1 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the list of full-time teachers as per metric 2.1

Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

2)      Provide the appointment letters of full-time teachers only.

Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

2.4.2 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI

1)      Provide the year wise list of full

time teachers with NET/SET/ SLET/Ph. D./ D.Sc. / D.Litt./L.L.D year wise during the last five years duly signed by


AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document
2) As per the list, Provide the doctorate certificates of full time teachers.
AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document
2.6.3 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI

1)      Provide the Result sheet

published by the affiliating university.

AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document
 2) Provide the Certified report from Head of the institution/Controller of Examination of the affiliating university indicating pass percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the degree program wise / year-wise.Consolidated Listlink to relevant document

3.1.1 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the authenticated list of total Grants from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years duly signed by Principal.

Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

 AY 2023-24

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

3.2.2 Findings of DVV Response of HEI
1)    Provide the Brochure and attendance of programs for each year.
AY 2023-24 link to relevant document
AY 2022-23 link to relevant document
AY 2021-22 link to relevant document
AY 2020-21 link to relevant document
AY 2019-20 link to relevant document
2)    Provide the certificates of 5 students under each program yearwise.
AY 2023-24 link to relevant document
AY 2022-23 link to relevant document
AY 2021-22 link to relevant document
AY 2020-21 link to relevant document
AY 2019-20 link to relevant document
3.3.1 Findings of DVV Response of HEI
1)      Provide the consolidated list of Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE list year wise during the last five years duly signed by Principal Consolidated List Link to relevant document
3.3.2 Findings of DVV Response of HEI
1)      Provide the cover page of each book for 5 years. Consolidated List Link to relevant document
 AY 2023-24 link to relevant document
AY 2022-23 link to relevant document
AY 2021-22 link to relevant document
AY 2019-20 link to relevant document
2) Provide the authenticated list of Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during last five years duly signed by Principal. Consolidated List Link to relevant document

3.4.3 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the authenticated list showing the number of extension and outreach Programs benefited for the community duly signed by the principal.

Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

3.5.1 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the clear copies of MoU signed during assessment year.

Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

     2) Provide the list of activities 

      conducted under each MoU

      along with the certificates of the


Consolidated List

Link to relevant document

4.1.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the highlighted audited statement showing Expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation only duly signed by CA and Principal.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

2) Provide the extract of Expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years duly signed by Principal.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

4.3.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the list of computers available for students use only duly signed by Principal.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

2)      Provide the clear copies of invoice and stock register

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

4.4.1 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the highlighted audited statement for the year 2023-24 duly signed by Principal and CA.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

2)      Provide the extract showing Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure yearwise duly signed by Principal.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

Findings of DVV
Response of HEI
1)      Provide the sanction letter under each scheme year wise .
AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document
2)      Provide the year wise list of Number of students benefited by scholarships and  freeships provided by the institution, Government and non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years duly signed by Principal.
AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document
5.1.2 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI
1)      Provide the report under soft skill, Language and communication skills Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene).Consolidated Listlink to relevant document
2)      Provide the Photographs with date and caption for each scheme or event.Consolidated Listlink to relevant document
3)      Provide the yearwise attendance and certificatesfor the selected list of programs/students enrolled under each option.
AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document

5.1.3 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the list of actual number of attended students along with the report.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

2)      Provide the attendance of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution year wise during last five years

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

AY 2023-24

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

5.1.4 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the data showing Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance .

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

5.2.1 Findings of DVV Response of HEI
1)      Provide the appointment letter separately for each year of all the students.
AY 2023-24 link to relevant document
AY 2022-23 link to relevant document
AY 2021-22 link to relevant document
AY 2020-21 link to relevant document
AY 2019-20 link to relevant document
2) Provide the ID cards/Fees receipt of students progressed to higher education. Consolidated List link to relevant document

5.2.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the qualifying certificates of student’s year wise

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

AY 2023-24

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

5.3.1 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI
1)      Provide the e-copies of certificates of students for the mentioned year.
AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document
2) Provide the authenticated list of Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at national/international level duly signed by Principal.Consolidated Listlink to relevant document

5.3.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the authenticated yearwise list of the number of sports and cultural programs duly signed by the Principal.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

AY 2023-24

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

2) Provide the report along with photos and list of students as per the updated list. Note: Event should not be split into activities

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

6.2.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide screenshots of all operations


link to relevant document

Finance & Accounts

link to relevant document

Student Admission & Supports

link to relevant document


link to relevant document

6.3.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)    Provide the e-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers. Data should be year wise.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

AY 2023-24

link to relevant document

AY 2022-23

link to relevant document

AY 2021-22

link to relevant document

AY 2020-21

link to relevant document

AY 2019-20

link to relevant document

6.3.3 Findings of DVVResponse of HEI
1)    Provide the year wise course completion certificates of all the teaching and non-teaching staff. Separate data for each year required.
AY 2023-24link to relevant document
AY 2022-23link to relevant document
AY 2021-22link to relevant document
AY 2020-21link to relevant document
AY 2019-20link to relevant document

6.5.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)    Provide the proper AAA report and follow-up action taken.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

7.1.2 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the document showing Management of the various types of degradable and nondegradable waste, Water conservation and Green campus initiatives.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

7.1.3 Findings of DVV

Response of HEI

1)      Provide the Green & environment audit report and certificates

Consolidated List

link to relevant document

2)      Provide the Action taken reports and achievement report on green campus initiatives.

Consolidated List

link to relevant document